Saturday, April 22, 2006
My Enormous New Beer Fridge
A couple of weeks ago I was able to acquire a huge industrial freezer for a very reasonable price (free). It was used in a hospital to store medical related stuff, I'm guessing. You know, blood, body parts, stool and semen samples etc. A friend that works at the hospital told me about it
and even picked it up and delivered it to me, again for a reasonable price (free). I stuck it in the garage, hosed down the blood and other interesting stains, hooked it up to an external temperature regulator and now own the biggest beer cooler ever!
It stands almost 7ft tall and is over 5 feet wide.
The bottled beer is fresh from the local brewery that I get for a reasonable price (yes free).
The kegs are my home brewed beer, ready to serve.
There's forty gallons here with another forty gallons in process.
Next entry I'll write about Friday nights at the Brewery so hurry back.

It stands almost 7ft tall and is over 5 feet wide.

The kegs are my home brewed beer, ready to serve.
There's forty gallons here with another forty gallons in process.
Next entry I'll write about Friday nights at the Brewery so hurry back.